'...pray one for another that ye may be healed.' - James 5 vs 16
Hi dear, this message is born out of tears, when I see fellow Christians backbite and gossip their fellow brethren in the Lord, it breaks my heart. I entreat you to be a doer of the word I am sharing with you right now, practice it. God Bless You.
As Christians, we must understand that we are one flesh, one body, and we are held together by one bond (the strongest bond in the world), which is LOVE
{Colossians 3 vs 14}. We must practice living by love on a daily basis, we must strictly carry the cautiousness and awareness of this nature everywhere we go.
Think this in yourself, is it comely (right) that a Christian gossip a fellow Christian? When a brethren is passing through trying times, what do you do as a fellow brother or sister in Christ? You are to pray for that fellow! You are not to publicize that brethren situation to the entire public, NO! That's the work of the devil. And as Christians, we are not on the devil's side, but on the Lord's side.
For example, if a brother or a sister is sick, what do you do? Pray! Stop advertising your fellow brothers/sisters problems, instead pray for them that they might be healed as our opening scripture has said.
Maybe your Pastor in your Church Assembly is having an issue with his or her marriage, don't be the one to criticize him, don't help the devil do his job. As a Christian, you pray for your Pastor, that the Lord helps him out of that trial; that's the way Christians behave. And when you continue like this, you will find growth and consistency in your life.
If you ever find any Christian Brethren or Leader in trying times or in a challenge,
pray for him according to our opening scripture, that he may be healed, rescued! By doing so, you are helping him, hence, helping yourself because we are one body though we are many
{1 Corinthians 10 vs 17, 1 Corinthians 12 vs 12}. Don't announce him, don't expose his nakedness!
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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