'Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.' - John 15 vs 16

Earlier on, the Lord began speaking to me from this Scripture. He was talking about the souls we win to Him, how that majority of the times, we win them at first, then we leave them alone without discipling them unto perfection in the Lord and skillfulness in the things of the Spirit.  

The Lord is saying to us that the souls we win to Him must also be discipled. To disciple a soul means to transform that soul into the full image of Christ. And how can we achieve this?


Why must they be brought into the house of God?

'...the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.' - 1 Timothy 3 vs 15 {KJV}

The scripture above tells us that the church is the ground and the pillar of truth. Meaning, God has ordained His word to be dished in His house. This is the reason why we must bring them into the house of the living God, so they can learn Truths that will cause transformation to take effect in their lives.

In the Ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth, we take knowledge that He always took His disciples to certain places like a Garden {Matthew 26 vs 36}{John 18 vs 1 - 2}, or the Mountain {Matthew 5}, where He taught them the word. Because we only grow as Christians by the word; the word is food for our spirit. Hence, bring every won soul into the Church to receive the impartation of the word and the blessing of the Holy Spirit {Psalms 122 vs 1}which will cause them to grow in Christ. {1 Peter 2 vs 2}

As our opening scripture has said, God desires our fruits (souls) to remain in Him.

I see God strengthening you to carry out the job of a shepherd of His flocks here on earth effectively. AMEN.

God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye

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