‘For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.’ – Romans 7 vs 18

Hello Dearly Beloved, this is a very interesting topic coming your way this moment, sit tight and enjoy the Grace of the LORD. God Bless You.

From our opening scripture reading the whole chapter 7, the Apostle Paul began talking about his life when he was still under the Law before he was in-grafted in Christ, and in the verse 18 above which is our opening scripture, he goes ahead to reveal to us a great law in operation in the body, he says that in his flesh dwelleth no good thing. In other words, there is nothing good that the flesh can produce, in a paraphrase; he is saying that the flesh can wrought no righteousness.

Brothers and Sisters, have you come to a point in life where you did some wrong stuffs, maybe a wrong thought or something just wrong and then you find yourself saying words like, ‘How could I have done this’. Have you? Now when you find yourself say such a thing like that, it obviously means that you still have some confidence in your flesh, it obviously means that you still have some hope in your flesh to please God, whereas, we clearly see from scriptures that the flesh works no good thing, but when you talk like that, it obvious that your trust is still on your flesh, your strength, your efforts, and not on Grace. – Selah

‘Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ – Romans 5 vs 1 {KJV}

Brothers and Sisters, we must come to a resolute end where we stop judging our relationship with God based on how good our efforts are, but on how true His words are. – Selah. Take a look at that? We have been justified! Hallelujah! Come to a resolute end where  you no longer judge that God is happy with you because your works are okay, or God is not happy with you because you failed at some point, no! But you must come to believe with the whole of your heart that God is at peace (Happy, Joyful, Relaxed) with you forever. That’s what the WORD says, being justified by faith, we have peace with God! Brother, Sister, before God, you are justified (Declared Righteous, Faultless). If you have a problem with believing that, then you don’t believe the word of God, hence, you’re not a BELIEVER! – Selah

‘For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.’ – Romans 8 vs 3 – 4 {KING JAMES VERSION}

We are told here that what the Law could not do, God has done! -  Selah. Now what is it that the Law tried to do that it could eventually not do? The Law tried to make men Righteous by imposing sanctions, conditions, restrictions on men (Thou shalt, Thou shalt not). But you see? As a result of the natural sinfulness at work in the flesh, man could not obey the sanctions and restrictions of the law, even when he feels like and wants to obey, but his flesh takes him of (Read the end part of our opening scripture for clarity and confirmations). Hence it says to us that God has done that which the flesh could not do. Meaning, God has made men Righteous of which the Law trying to do could not. – Selah. Now the verse 4 says That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. It is the perfect understanding and acceptance of the first part that activates the ability to experience the second. In other words, it is when Grace has been accepted, when the love of God, the great love He showed towards us has been felt and greatly understood, how that we have been made Righteous, Justified, not guilty, faultless, and never to come up for condemnation or judgement, that’s what fills us with love for God to begin to walk according to His statutes and pleasure without fears of ever been condemned when we fail at some point (which is sure to happen because we are in the body of sin). You see? And by so been the case, 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14 is fulfilled which says, ‘For the love of Christ constraineth (Compels, Causes us to do His will) us…’. You see that? Waow! Glory to God forever. AMEN.

Beloved, this is it; When works, personal efforts are in view, sin becomes the order of the day because man cannot obey God in as much as he does it with the flesh. The flesh is so imperfect and sinful to cast your confidence on. But when GRACE is in view, Righteousness, Holiness, becomes the order of the day because Grace fills a man with love for God which causes him to wanna please God at all cost everyday. – Selah

God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye

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