‘Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the
coming of the Lord draweth nigh.’ – James 5 vs 8
Hello Dearly Beloved, I bring you this word from the Lord,
that your heart may be strengthened in Salvation, void of fears and doubts of
your son-ship (Male and Female) in HIM. God Bless You.
Our opening scripture says to us to stablish our hearts,
because the coming of the Lord draws near. What was God saying by the word
‘stablish your hearts’? In the Greek, the word used for stablish as used in
context is sterizo, and sterizo means to turn resolutely in a certain direction,
to steadfastly set. You see? To be resolute means to be totally determined,
a state of mind made up. So God is saying to us to totally set our hearts
towards a certain direction, and that direction is the WORD.
So many of God’s children have not had their hearts
established in the faith, there are still doubts or fears in their heart as to
their salvation, within their hearts, they don’t yet possess a full assurance
of their eternal security in Christ Jesus, and hence, they are at the Risk of
loosing it. That is why emphasis was made by the saying ‘for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.’ That word was an
emphasis, to let us know the significance and importance of been assured in our
hearts and conscience of our salvation. – Selah
‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness’ – 2 Timothy 3 vs 16 {KJV}
Child of God, you must believe with all your heart that all
scriptures are the words of God. It says that it is profitable for reproof.
Reproof does not depict the literal meaning of reproof in English, no, but in
the Greek, it is rendered as elegchos;
and elegchos means conviction, evidence. Meaning, the word of God is able to
give you a conviction, making you convinced that you are the Righteousness of
God in Christ Jesus, and that you are locked up in His hands; the word of God
is able to give you evidence in your conscience, in other words; the word of
God is able to totally stablish your heart and set it at peace upon His
infallible word. Waow!
Why not search the scriptures today, believe it, and stake
your entire life on it, resting upon it, and enjoy the absolute peace that
comes from relying on the word?
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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