‘Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for the fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.’ – John 20 vs 19

Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus Christ, I bring you glad tidings of hope at this moment. I want to specially thank you for taking out time to visit this Blog regularly, I personally am grateful to God for your life, because I know that your been a follower of the teachings on this Blog has caused you to be Blessed and Lifted in all areas of your life, and I am grateful to God for the privilege and opportunity to be a Blessing to you through this Blogging medium. Be Blessed, lifted and encouraged by this short piece of exhortation which I bring you right now. Be Blessed. AMEN.

A lot of Believers are currently discouraged because of the present hardship they are going through, such impossible conditions which seems to them as though help is far from them. Hence, they are discouraged, many have become Faithless in the majesty of the KING. May be you reading this are currently in such conditions where you wonder if things will ever change, if things will ever get better, if that your family relation will ever get a new job, if that your sick mother will ever get well, if that siege will ever get broken. Don’t worry; I bring you a Revelation from the WORD. The underlined statements we see in our opening scripture are these;

1-      When the doors were shut
2-      Came Jesus

In other words, Jesus came into that room through the shut doors. Waow! Doesn’t that tell you that there is no limitation when it comes to the LORD? Doesn’t that tell you that there is no limitation with Jesus? Yea! He walks through shut doors. We can also find that same encounter in the verse 26.

As I meditated on this, I heard the voice of the Spirit telling me to tell you that, When the doors are shut, when the times are hard, when the hope is impossible, when the circumstance has given you every reason not to Believe, keep believing, keep hoping, keep your expectations aglow, because HE walks through shut doors! HE will walk through that hardship and come to you saying, Peace be unto you! – Selah; HE will walk through that cancer and come to you saying, Peace be unto you! – Selah! He will walk through that stagnation in your life and come to you saying, Peace be unto you! – Selah; He will walk through that barrenness and come to you saying, Peace be unto you! – Selah. What is that hard condition? He will show up suddenly in the midst of it and say unto you, Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!

Be Encouraged! Keep Believing…

God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye

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