'For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.' - Romans 5 vs 10
Hello Dearly Beloved, be refreshed in your mind by this short piece of exhortation on the Grace and Love of the LORD Jesus for your life.
From our opening scripture, we see the love of God amazing. It says that if when we were sinners, worldly, haters of God and the things pertaining to HIM (enemies), we were loved so much that HE came down in the flesh to die for us for our salvation (Rescue from eternal death 'Hell'), it then says, how much more now that we have been saved (reconciled), it says we shall be saved by HIS life. Waow. Amazing.
This is so true. Beloved, the Spirit wants all of God's children to maintain a deep consciousness and awareness of the Father's love for their lives. Now let's think; If when you were worldly, God didn't consider your worldliness, but manifested HIS love for you, is it now that you are HIS child that HE will spank you for your sins? - Selah
This will amaze you;
'For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today].' - Romans 5 vs 10 {AMPLIFIED BIBLE}
O Hallelujah! We were not lovers of God when HE chose of HIS own will and accord to save us. We didn't even want HIM, but HE chose to love us by dying and bringing us to HIMSELF. How much more now that we are HIS very own, it is certain that our good works will not and cannot maintain that relationship, but HIS self same love that saved us. It says we will be saved because Christ lives today. It didn't say we will be saved because of our uprightness, but because Christ lives. Glory! Been upright is lovely, but the power should not hang on our uprightness but on Christ. - Selah
God wants us to continually know that HE does not and can never spank HIS kids that sin against HIM. His Love and Grace towards us came without our good deeds, and it is sustained by HIM and not our works. - Selah
Let's take this example, it will be wickedness for someone to buy a car for a beggar along the street, then having bought the car for him, he then expects the begger to begin to fuel and maintain it by himself. In the first place, the beggar wasn't asking you for a car, he had no idea of having a car. This fellow of his own good will, knowing that the beggar has nothing to either buy or maintain a car, yet bought the car for him. It therefore means, if the fellow wants the beggar to use the car, he must take it upon himself to continually maintain and fuel the car because the beggar is incapacitated. The beggar having a new car didn't change the fact that he is still a beggar, he didn't buy the car, someone bought it for him, hence he is still a beggar. - Selah
Many of God's children needs to know this. Many think that once they are born again, it is therefore mandatory to begin to show good works. Wait a minute, in the first place did you work to get the salvation? Could you ever be saved by your works? Definitely no. If therefore no, then why do you think you now have the capacity to please God by your works, when those works could not get God to be pleased unto your salvation? - Selah
Therefore Beloved, continually have this consciousness every time, carry it in your hearts every day. You are so loved of the Father and of the LORD Jesus Christ. When you hated HIM and were full of wickedness, HE loved you and washed you, and gave you HIS Spirit; how much more now that you are HIS child, just think of what Love HE daily pours on you! Just think about the pardon you daily receive your your errors. Just think. As a sinner, HE pardoned all your transgressions without your notice, how much more HIS child, HE doesn't see your sins {Hebrews 10 vs 17}. The knowledge of this is what empowers us to living a victorious life over sin, loving the LORD, which shows in our daily lives and in our relationship with all men.
God Bless You.
- Apostle Jenning Uweye
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