'For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.' - Hebrews 10 vs 14 {AMPLIFIED BIBLE TRANSLATION}
Hello Beloved in the LORD Jesus Christ, I trust the LORD is good to you, and you are walking in perpetual peace. AMEN. I trust that as you continually read our messages on this Blog, your peace is sure. AMEN.
So many of God's people are worried and not certain that they are gonna make it to Heaven. Obviously, their imperfections have brought them to this point. Many are just hoping, praying all manner of prayer of mercy just because they are scared and not sure that they are gonna make Heaven. I remember the story of someone that prayed thus to God, 'LORD give me the Power to make Heaven.' What a contradiction. What does the Bible say? Let's examine our opening scripture;
'For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.' - Hebrews 10 vs 14 {AMPLIFIED BIBLE TRANSLATION}
By the Offering of the LORD Jesus Christ on the cross, God completely cleansed us, and the scripture didn't say HE cleansed us only of our past sins, no. But it says HE has forever cleansed us completely. Hallelujah! Now it talked about those who are consecrated and made holy. We are those who are consecrated and made holy. You can find that in the verse 10 of that same chapter;
'And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made once for all of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One).' - {AMPLIFIED BIBLE TRANSLATION}
You see it? So our opening scripture is talking about us. We have been cleansed completely by the Blood of Jesus, and this cleansing (forgiveness, pardon, acceptance) is a forever thing. Hallelujah! Therefore, where's the fear now? Only Holy people go to Heaven, only perfect people make Heaven, and Christ has obtained this perfection for you, HE has obtained this Holiness for you, and you have received them because you BELIEVE; therefore do the judgement yourself of where you are going. Heaven or hell. - Selah. Remember, 'Man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' - Matthew 4 vs 4. If these are the words of God, then this is the definition of our lives and not what or how we feel about it.
You need to understand the mystery behind this Grace. As this truth gets unveiled in the spirit of a man, that man begins to love the LORD naturally, and not as people suppose that he will become loosed to sin as a result of his liberty. - Selah. The LORD said to me, the sinful people in the world are those who lack the knowledge of the Gospel. This is the Gospel. Good News that makes you good for the goodness of the news. - Selah
It's a finished work!
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning Uweye
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