'Blessings are upon the head of the just...'' - Proverbs 10 vs 6

Hi Dear, a lot of God's children need to understand why scriptures call them a Peculiar People, we need the understanding of ourselves in Christ Jesus in order to maximize the Blessings we have inherited of God in Christ Jesus. Just be attentive and Believe. God Bless You.

Our opening scripture tells us that Blessings are upon the head of the just (the Righteous). I love the way the NIV puts it;

'Blessings crown the head of the righteous...'

You see that? In other words, that scripture says, the Righteous are crowned with Blessings. Meaning Blessings are the crown of the Righteous. Waow. How come the lives of many Christians are void of blessings? - Selah

'Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.' - Proverbs 14 vs 9 {KJV}

It says, among the Righteous, there is favor. That's what makes our lives peculiar. Now, we became Righteous by His Grace, our Righteousness is a Gift from God {Romans 5 vs 17}. Therefore we are Righteous. If we are therefore Righteous, it therefore means favor is in our lives. Note this, favor is a blessing of Righteousness. Through out the old testament, all of God promises to them was based on their good works and performance. Let's see one of them;

'Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar
treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:' - Exodus 19 vs 5 {KJV}

You see that? So God's Blessings on them was based on their performance. But under the new testament, we are under Grace, and HIS works on the Cross justified us and made us Righteous before GOD. Hallelujah. Therefore, if we are Righteous, His Blessings, His favor is in us and follows us. He said Blessings crown the head of the Righteous, HE said, among the Righteous, there is favor. Waow.

My Dear Friend, be cautious of this favor in your life today. You cannot be short of the Favor of GOD. Never! Any and everywhere you go, go with the cautiousness of favor! In the supermarket, be cautious that God is favoring you there, causing men to pay your bills. In the plane, be cautious of favor. At the Embassy, be cautious of favor, that you will get that Visa supernaturally. In the examination hall, be cautious of this favor, everywhere and in any place, be cautious that God is working out a Favor for you. His favor is in you and on you. Never ask for it, thank Him for it because it's already in your life, it's a crown upon your head. Hallelujah! It's one of the Packages Salvation brought to you, therefore receive it.

Be cautious of favor dearly Beloved, God's Favor is a crown on our head, it was made possible because Jesus made us God's Righteousness. {2 Corinthians 5 vs 21}. Glory!

So we understand now that by the justification with which HE justified us, God's Favor came upon each and everyone of us as a Crown. Waow. Thank God for Grace, We could never have inherited this Favor because we were dead in sins, but thank God Jesus Gave us what we could never have given ourselves (Righteousness), which qualified us for God unending Favor. Hallelujah!

We are Peculiar! Different from the world!!

God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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