'A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.' - John 13 vs 34
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD Jesus Christ, I believe this word is timely for us who are GOD's children, saved by Grace. It's a call to all of us on how we ought to relate with our fellow men all around us everyday. Be Blessed.

Our opening scripture is very instructive, they are the words of the LORD Himself. But I want us to see that scripture in the Bible in Basic English Translation {BBE} because of how it is put;

'I give you a new law: Have love one for another; even as I have had love for you, so are you to have love one for another.'

You take note of the words underlined, even as I have had love for you, so are you to have love one for another. Do you see that? We are to love one another with the same measure of love with which HE loved us with (and still loves us). O If you knew what HE is talking about. - Selah

The first thing that comes to my mind is this, What's the measure of HIS love to me?

17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height--
 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. - Ephesians 3 vs 17 - 19 {KING JAMES VERSION}

We see here that GOD's love for us was measured in width, length and depth, then it says, 'the love of Christ which passes knowledge'. Waow! That means, the love Christ has for us defiles the reasoning and comprehension of the human mind. Wait a minute, how can you explain this love; A man sins against you, continues to sin against GOD and grow worse in sin, then when GOD arose (when everyone thought it must be judgement time), instead HE so loved the man and gave HIS only begotten son to be the propitiation of his sins. And you know what, HE didn't just say, forgive him of his previous sins so he can have a fresh slate, no! HE instead forgave all sins that that man ever committed and will ever commit. Then this man having known that is excited and begins to love this GOD, but is still sinning and making annoying mistakes against HIM (weaknesses), yet GOD still doesn't change HIS mind on HIS plans, that man is still headed towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Brother, Sister, how do you explain that love? What part of your mind can understand it? Can you tell why GOD chose it to be like that? You know, coming to the ways of men, when a man ignores certain things which he should get mad at, and continually endure them keeping silent, you an once sense that he has an hidden motive which is hidden in his heart, and one can tell what it might be. But coming to GOD, who can tell why HE chose to ignore, endure, and stay unrepentant towards these awersome promises from us? Why this love, towards a people who were HIS enemies? In the old days, we say HIM reply the people with judgement, why all of a sudden HE changes HIS mind and approach? What must have been HIS intention? Who can tell it? - Selah

Indeed, the love of CHRIST passes all knowledge and understanding. - Selah

Now with that same love, we are exhorted of the LORD to love all men with. Why do you get mad at a fellow and change your mind on the good thoughts you had concerning him because of his offense, when in spite all your offenses, GOD still loves you and do you good, and those not withhold entrance into Heaven from you? - Selah. Why do you avoid someone because of his continuous errors towards you when in-spite all your reoccurring sins towards GOD, you're still HIS Son and Daughter, and the Scripture has not changed concerning that? You see? That's what it means to live with Grace in mind. When you consider/acknowledge what HE's done for you and how HE ignored your weaknesses and showed you good, regardless of what anyone might have done to you or do to you, there's a way that knowledge puts you together, giving you the eyes of GOD, and you don't condition your relationship or judge that person based on his errors which might obviously be his weaknesses of which you also have. - Selah

Dearly Beloved, GOD is calling us all to live with Grace in mind. Philippians 4 vs 5 urges us to be loving to all men. So our love those not only cut across the Family of Christ, but it should be expressed to all men. All! Muslim, or Hindi, Buddist or Eckist, Saved or unsaved, love all men with Christs very love for you not the way you choose to love, but the way HE loved and loves you. And see what JESUS says about this awesome way of living in the verse 35 of our opening scripture;

'By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.' - {KJV}

Waow! That's how the unsaved get to know and be convinced that we are Christ's kids. You know why? Though they are unsaved, they still show love among people. The Muslims show great love among themselves, but the don't love with the love of Christ. The love of Christ is the highest form of love. Some men call it stupid love, a love for the weaklings. Because they can't understand how in-spite what people have done or may have done to us, we don't judge them by it, we don't live with them according to their offenses, our relationship with them still remains as though nothing happened, and our good will towards them don't change but is ever increasing, and no evil intention attached. This is what they don't have in their love, and that's what makes them know and are assured in their hearts that we belong to JESUS. And that draws them to HIM. Praise GOD forever more. AMEN.

God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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