'For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.' - Romans 15 vs 4

Greetings to you dearly beloved of God in Christ Jesus! I trust that the Lord has been your comfort and your hope. Be comforted by this piece of exhortation. Amen. Be blessed.

By reason of certain circumstances which have caused pains and distress, many have lost the feeling/conviction of their Salvation, they are in doubts as to whether they are still saved, whether they are still accepted by God; and because they cannot figure out a comforting answer to these doubts and questions in their hearts, they are left to face the pain and sorrow inside of them. But beloved, how do we deal with this awkward situation? When you don't feel your salvation, rely on the Word. - Selah. That point when you cannot feel God, when everything around you encourages the distress, that's the time to fully depend, rely and take God by His word.  See our opening Bible verse:

'For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.' - Romans 15 vs 4 {KJV}

It talks about the comfort of the scriptures. In other words, the scriptures are able to comfort us, it means that there is comfort in the Scriptures. What you do is to search for God's word in the direction of your distress and hold on to it, cling to it, rely on it. Since God cannot lie, then you can trust His word irrespective of what or how you feel. Maybe satan told you by reason of a particular sin or situation that you have lost your salvation, Bible passages like John 3 vs 16 as popular as it is can be helpful. It says:

'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' - {KJV}

  • whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life
Since it is certain that God cannot lie, and you believe in the Lord, gird your heart with this Word! No more considering your current distress of doubts, arm your mind with this word of the Lord, being fully persuaded and assured that you are saved, that you have everlasting life. The longer you hold on to the Word, you'll find out that it begins to appear real to your heart, and all these odd feelings of doubts begins to fade away. - Selah. You can search many other beautiful scriptures that assure us of our salvation in Christ, and take God for it by fully depending on it in spite of the oppositions of doubts the devil might have fired into your mind.

It's very important to know that the devil is on a mission of distracting the saints from their assurance of Salvation, he's out to ensure that the belief/faith of the saints are distracted, because he knows that salvation in Christ comes only by believing; so he fires doubts and conflicts into Believers' minds for the sole aim of swaying the Believer away from the Faith - which is his fear. - Selah

Go for the Word, and hold on to it despite of any doubt, fear or uncertainty that battles your heart. Just hold on to the Word! Soon, the Word will become the tempo of your conscience, and your assurance and conviction of Salvation will be back, overflowing. Glory to God!

God has blessed you.

- Jenning U. Angel

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