'In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness.' - Jeremiah 33 vs 16
Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I bring you Peace from the LORD GOD, even as it is HIS earnest desire, to see that HIS Church is walking in the Peace that HE purchased for them. Be Lifted.
It is well agreed to that one of the popular hurts man goes through in this life is guilt, guilty feelings, as they come as a result of sinful deeds, which can be very disturbing and not-comforting in ones life. I want to show you how to defeat that dreaded feeling out of your heart and mind and dwell safely in the Peace of the LORD. Firstly, let's see this;
'For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.' - 1 John 3 vs 20 {KJV}
I like us to read this from the
Revised Standard Version;
'whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.'
In other words, when our conscience holds us in guilt, GOD'S Grace is greater than our hearts. The Bible says where sin abounded, Grace much more abound; giving us hope that our sins are not greater than HIS Grace on us. Good! Now let's see something very important to take knowledge of;
verse 21 of the scripture we just read from
1 John 3 says;
'Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.'
RSV puts it almost in the same way;
'Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God...'
This makes it very important for us to deal with all voices of condemnation and guilt that's currently in our hearts, because with such in a man, his confidence before the LORD is ruled out, and that becomes very risky as to his Salvation. See this;
'And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.' - 1 John 2 vs 28 {KJV}
You see that? Guilt steals a man's confidence. The first Adam lost his confidence before the all Loving GOD and went hiding. Why? Because of Guilt, he was self condemned. That's what this Apostle warns the Church about.
Imagine a child that was instructed by his dad not to take his money which he kept, and this child did take it while the dad traveled, and his brother picked up the phone and called the dad, and told him his brother had done that he said he should not do. How do you think this child will feel inside when he hears that the dad is coming home the next day? I tell you, it's comely that he might device a means of leaving the house so his dad won't meet him at home in that very instant. You see? Why? His confidence has been robbed by reason of his offence. That's what guilt does to a man. You see it's a very risky condition. Therefore to that effect the Apostle tells the Church to
abide in HIM, to abide in HIS Grace, to abide in HIS Righteousness, because
that's the only place any man can find Peace amidst his many offences. And this is the reason why the devil is out against all of us who do teach the Grace of the LORD JESUS, because he knows what we're actually doing to him, his agenda, and his kingdom in entire. - Selah
So Apostle, how do I defeat this awful guilt ravaging my soul? It's very simple. Yea. The first step is to acknowledge totally and completely within your own self that you committed the offence or offences. Yes.
The highest form of insincerity is self-insincerity. When a man is not sincere to his own self. You've got to accept that of a Truth, you have done the wrong. After accepting you have done the wrong with a sincere heart, you must acknowledge the reason you have a Savior who is your Righteousness as our opening scripture informs us. It says that the LORD is our Righteousness. Which means, in words, in thoughts, in deeds, HE is our Righteousness. Meaning GOD is never gonna judge us by the standard of our words, but the standard of JESUS' words; GOD is never gonna judge us by the standard of our thoughts, but the standard of JESUS' thoughts; GOD is never gonna judge us by the standard of our deeds, but the standard of JESUS' deeds. Uhmmm.
If JESUS passes, then you've passed! Glory to GOD. Pause to think, why will HE be all that to us if we can a bit be perfect? So by implication,
GOD gave up on man's strength and choose to be his strength; GOD gave up on man's efforts and choose to be His Rest, GOD gave up on man's righteousness and choose to be his Righteousness. That's what New Testament is about, it's all about what GOD gives and not what we give; all we do is "Receive" by "Believing". That's it and that's all. When you allow this TRUTH settle in your Heart and Mind, you will suddenly discover that your sins count nothing before GOD, but what HE knows that counts is the Righteousness of HIS Son JESUS which he sees evidently on you and in you because you Believed. And by the reason of this TRUTH in your Heart and in your Mind, the Peace of GOD becomes resident in you all round.
Get your confidence back, the time is near, no one knows when he will meet the LORD, so you can't afford to have that guilt in your soul, not for a second. Eat this teaching till it produces in you Peace, and that in your entire Soul. Be also sure to testify of it.
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GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel
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