'For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.' - Romans 7 vs 18

Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS. I am sure that the power of guilt and burden will be Lifted from off your heart by reason of this Word of the LORD which I bring to you now. Please share this with your friends and on your Social Media Networks by simply copying the Link and pasting it. GOD Bless You. Be Lifted!

Our opening Passage is a wonderful Spirit-led statement made by the Apostle Paul. He came to that point in Spiritual understanding, where He realized that in the body dwells no good thing. Mark the word, 'no good thing'. Beloved, I don't know what you're currently going through, the challenges you're currently having inside; in the next verse of that same Chapter, He says, that the good He desired to do, He finds Himself not doing it, and the evil He doesn't desire, that's the very thing He finds Himself doing. Now, have you ever found yourself at this point, where something (sinful) happened, and your mind accuses you of it, but in the innermost depths of your heart, there is a knowing right in there that you didn't do it and can never do it! Have you ever found yourself there? Now, how do I overcome the burden of such experience? It's by simply recognizing that in you (your Natural being) dwells no good thing. In other words, the worse of evil dwells in each and every one of us. So when the devil is busy telling your heart that you're in trouble for what you have done, you can take some Rest by accepting indeed that even the worse of evil can proceed from you (GOD'S Word says so), therefore this is no big deal! When you can come to this point of Acknowledgement, then it's important to realize that GOD cannot cast HIS trust on us who are evidently sinners and weak as touching Righteousness. Therefore being in Christ, we have HIM for our Righteousness before GOD {Jeremiah 33 vs 16}, therefore, it's not us GOD sees when HE looks at us, it's not our perfection HE sees because we don't have it, none of us; but CHRIST who is now our Righteousness because we Believe. O, this means, if GOD is to access our Righteousness, HE accesses CHRIST; because CHRIST is our Righteousness {Jeremiah 33 vs 16}. Hallelujah!

Why not take some Peace, and go ahead and continually appreciate the LORD JESUS for what a wonderful Grace and Love HE has so mightily lavished upon you, in that HE has qualified you for Heaven, and gave you Access for the same. But you must learn to totally accept that there's nothing good in you, Nothing! That's when the Righteousness of CHRIST begins to make sense in your mind and in your Soul.

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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