'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...' - Romans 3 vs 23

Hello Dearly Beloved in the LORD JESUS, be Lifted by this Word of comfort in JESUS Name. AMEN.

There are people in the world today, many in the world crying out to GOD, melting in their hearts, lamenting over a sin they have committed, wondering in pain how they can ever forgive themselves for what they have done. Many have read divers writings on how to forgive yourself, but they didn't find it helpful, they resolved to forget their mistakes, but the pain seems not to go away, they find themselves lamenting again and again over that act of sin which they have done, for some, they have carried this pain with them for years now, they have not found solution to this tearing-apart state. Oooo! Maybe this is you right now, you gat to listen to me now. First thing first, you have to accept your sin. Yes accept your sin. You have to accept you made that offence and you must accept also that you deserve the punishment of that sin, start settling that now with yourself as you're reading this; start accepting you sinned the sin, and you are guilty of the punishment of that sin. As informed in Romans 6 vs 23 that the wages of sin is death, you have to accept now, right now that you deserve all the consequences of your sin. Yes. Our opening passage is an information to all, it says that all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD. I think with that Portion, it should become easier for you to accept your sin, seeing that GOD Himself already informed us that all (including your Pastor) have sinned; so, no big deal, you sinned! Accept it. Are we done with this stage? Let's go;

'In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins...' - Colossians 1 vs 14 {KJV}

Notice something, it says that in CHRIST, we have redemption through HIS Blood, even the forgiveness of sins. That means He is saying to us that in CHRIST, we have the forgiveness of sins, that's why He made use of the word even to let us know that redemption through HIS Blood is the forgiveness of sins. Waow! That means that forgiveness of sins is not what GOD gives anymore, HE already gave us the forgiveness of sins as an inheritance in CHRIST, that's what this portion is talking about. Listen to me, you can't forgive yourself, no man can forgive himself of his sin. The devil uses this lie to keep men in pain, he speaks to people's minds asking them to forgive themselves, but how could They? It's impossible, forgiveness of sins must come from the one it was done against. When someone hurts someone, He is not the one who offers forgiveness to Himself, no, but it is given by the one He hurt. That's it, the forgiveness of sins has to come from GOD. But you know what, I gladly announce to you with Joy in my Heart that GOD already forgave us of all sins in CHRIST, little wonder it says we have the forgiveness of sins in HIM. Waow! So GOD'S forgiveness lives with us everyday, we are tabernacles of GOD'S Mercy! O Hallelujah! This is what gives me my confidence in approaching GOD, in Lifting up my hands to HIM and say 'Loving Father I Love you today.' O Glory to GOD.

Beloved, why not go ahead now and declare you are forgiven by GOD, you don't have to be in doubt as to has GOD forgiven you, hey, He said it, in HIM we have the forgiveness of sins! Question, are you in CHRIST? O yes you are, therefore you have GOD'S forgiveness in your Spirit. Glory! You are forgiven, you are the most forgiven being that ever lived on Earth, you were not just forgiven once, but you have HIS forgiveness residing in your Spirit, boiii, always forgiven! GOD never sees you as an offender, not for a second! You know why? HIS forgiveness dwells in you! That means your fellowship with HIM, your relationship with HIM is fantastic! Go ahead right now and appreciate GOD for this Grace. Enjoy HIS Peace in your Heart........All these because of JESUS! Thank You Precious LORD JESUS. I Love You LORD.

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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