'We, however, are citizens of heaven, and we eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from heaven.' - Philippians 3 vs 20 {GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION}

Greetings to you dearly beloved of God in Christ Jesus. I trust God that all is well with you. God causes all things to work together for our good. Amen.

Quickly, the Lord will have you know this (what you're about to read) concerning the subject of this discussion. As the subject of this discussion goes, Heavenly Race, many Christians all around the world are of a mentality of working hard on earth in order to earn eternal citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven; so they say they are running Heavenly Race, in other words, they are doing all they can to please God and live according to His laws for the purpose of making Heaven. Just a quick correction, Believers don' make Heaven. The word 'make' there speaks of meriting something. But don't you realize that nobody can make Heaven? nobody can self-qualify to be called a citizen of Heaven. If anybody could, then there was no need for the Lord Jesus to have come. We couldn't and can never of ourselves make it, that's why we have the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, that's why He came. - Selah. So on the concept of "Heavenly Race", that perspective, that mentality of works necessary to be done in order to merit the Kingdom needs to be changed.

Our opening Bible passage is a Revelation of God's grace towards His children, it's a declaration of our actual citizenship to all of the creation; we are declared 'Citizens of Heaven'. Ooo Hallelujah! By that statement 'we are',  that speaks of a present tense reality; it didn't say we are going to be, but it says 'we are'. Glory to God. Meaning as a matter of now, because the Lord is our trust, because we have believed the Gospel, by reason of our oneness with Him which He orchestrated by His Spirit, we have become citizens of Heaven (His place), co-citizens with the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God forevermore. Amen.

Remember 1 Corinthians 12 vs 13 informs us that by one Spirit we have been baptized into one body, therefore making it no more two (2) personalities that exists: we and the Lord, no! But now one person which is the Lord, seeing that we and Him are now one; He being the head, and we the body, and the entire personality in totality is JESUS. So no more are we found, but JESUS is all and all. We are rather found in Him. Think on this for a moment. Hence in Him, our citizenship of Heaven is confirmed! Ooo Boiiii! Did you get this? In Christ Jesus have we all who believe being made citizens of High Heaven together with Him. Glory to God.

So therefore beloved, stop running heavenly race, stop it. Just rest in what God has achieved already for us in Christ. Rest in His grace, rest in His righteousness, rest in His salvation which He has given you freely. Rest. Receive all that God gives and accept what He says you are in Christ. Therefore, if He calls me a citizen of Heaven, my response is Yes Sir! I am a citizen of Heaven in Christ Jesus. Because of Jesus, that citizenship is confirmed, sure, secured and authenticated.

I urge you to go over this Article again if you feel you need to get the message clearly and clearer. Go over again, and I believe that the Spirit of the Lord will open your eyes to see the Truth contained in this teaching.

God bless you. Keep resting on the already finished work of Christ. Rest. Don't stress. Stay believing and accepting what God has accomplished for you in Christ Jesus. That is Rest for your soul. Amen.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel

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