'But Jesus told him, “Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”' - Luke 9 vs 62 {THE LIVING BIBLE TRANSLATION}

Hello Greatly Esteemed in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This which I now share with you is a Prophecy unto the Angels (Ministers) of the Churches of GOD all over the Earth, revealing HIS present mind condition towards them, of which I also that wrote this am included. Be instructed and strengthened by the Word of the LORD; also do well to share this Article on your social media networks to help reach a larger and wider audience. GOD Bless You.

Above, our opening Bible passage was the Word of the LORD which came into me at a certain hour on Sunday 4th February, 2019, which I have now released to all, even as many that will find this Article. 

The SPIRIT OF GOD communed with my Heart concerning the word "distraction", showing me how a lot of us (Ministers of GOD) in this generation are distracted by reason of other engagements which we have ventured into, hence we no longer give the heed to our various vocations and assignments as expected of us in Heaven. The LORD says to the Angels of the Churches this day to get rid of the distraction that distracts their commitment to their Assignment, the time is short, and souls need to be won more than ever before. "Give it all your best and behold I am with you says the LORD GOD. Go all out because men and women every where are perishing, these I gave my Blood for, do this, do it fast, do it now says the LORD GOD."

In a Prophetic vision, I could sense the demeanour of the face of JESUS, it flowed with compassion for the lost, and I could see into the demeanour of HIS Heart, it was like one wishing HE was on Earth. This is for real no jokes. But as I beheld HIM in the Vision, the Word of the LORD came into my Heart, which says;

Who shall declare HIS NAME?

Who shall declare HIS NAME? I made up my mind that "I will", I don't know about you, but I urge you who the LORD has called and sent on an Assignment for HIM, go all out and fulfill your assignment. Now, I will share with you a Word of Counsel which the HOLY SPIRIT brought to me which Strengthened me greatly for my own Task, it's from the Book of Colossians 4 vs 17;

'And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.' - {KJV}

Fulfilling your Ministry, a must! Fulfilling my Ministry, a must! Why don't you go all out for HIM, for the LORD JESUS!

2 Punch Words from this passage;
  • Take heed to the Ministry
  • Fulfill it

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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