'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.' - Philippians 4 vs 6 {ESV BIBLE TRANSLATION }

Hello Dearly Beloved. I Believe that you will be Helped by GOD through the writings of this Article to live above all the circumstances of life that may come before you. This one thing has the LORD delivered to me, and I have practically experienced Divine Intervention in the thickest of situations as touching cares and worries over situations or needs; and right now, GOD has put it in my Heart to share with you also.

Let's examine our opening Bible passage;

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.' - Philippians 4 vs 6 {ESV BIBLE TRANSLATION}

We are admonished here not to be anxious about anything. The next thing we see there is an instruction. - Selah. It says *in everthing* by prayer coupled with thanksgiving, make your requests known to GOD. Waow, beautiful. Rephrasing that statement, we can get this, "Pray to GOD about everything". And these are the very words the LORD brought into my Heart at a certain time, and it's been an experience of Glory with HIM Praying about everything. I think you should take a minute to meditate and think about that Word, "Pray about everything". It's such a a deep and powerful instruction. To Pray for everything means to pray for everything. This is what I do, I Pray about everything, and it can be funny to the unspiritual mind. Before I go to bed, I talk to the LORD about it. Yes. Do you do that? When I wake up, I talk to the LORD about it. Do you do that? When I wanna go visit someone, I talk to the LORD about it. I don't just go like that neither do I take it as a light thing, I talk to GOD about it; it says "Pray about everything". Uhmmm - Selah. What about my needs and cares, concerns? Obviously, I talk to the LORD about them. - Think about these things.

Listen to this, many people pray to GOD about their needs, yes they do. But many don't know how to recognise and identify when GOD gets working to meet their needs which they rightfully talked to HIM about, because they are unaware or rather not used to how GOD operates and works. For example, Someone might pray to GOD to give Him His own house, and after asking that of GOD, the next thing that happens is that His or Her landlord gives Him a quit notice. Hahaha. You see, a spiritually unenlightened might complain and cast off restrain saying why should GOD allow this and that happen to Him/Her after even Praying to HIM about His cares and concerns. You see, this is because such a one doesn't know "the how" of GOD'S operations, he's unaware. But you see, the spiritually enlightened knows and has come to understand that GOD called Light out of darkness {2 Corinthians 4 vs 6}, He knows that all things (hazardous, evil, disappointing, failures, weaknesses) work together for the good of GOD'S Child; He has come to understand that Good comes out of doom, Light comes out of darkness. He understands this. - Selah. So when He gets the quit notice from His landlord, He rejoices exceedingly (instead of frown like the other man who is spiritually unenlightened) knowing that GOD is at work now. Waowww Hallelujah!!! Now darkness is showing up, all He has to do, is to wait a little, He will just hold on a little more, and the next thing will be Light coming out of the darkness. Light comes out of darkness. In other words, darkness (the less) comes first before Light (the Greater). See these Bible passages that gives light to this revelation;

'And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.' - Genesis 1 vs 31 {KJV}

Notice it, the evening (the less) came first before the morning (the Greater). The journey to a new day started from the evening not the morning. So we can say that a new day (your desires) starts from the evening/night (your present cares and troubles).

'But it is not the spiritual life which came first, but the physical and then the spiritual.' - 1 Corinthians 15 vs 46 {AMPLIFIED BIBLE TRANSLATION}

Notice it, the physical life (the less) came first before the Spiritual (the Greater). Now think about these things.

Why did I point out these Bible passages to you?, it's so that you can notice, observe the pattern at which GOD made things to operate in the realm of the Spirit. GOD made it so according to this pattern. When it has to do with GOD, the Good will always come after the worse;

'For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' - 2 Corinthians 4 vs 6 {KJV}

You're seeing what I'm showing you?, it's an ancient pattern of GOD'S Operation. Little wonder the same Apostle Paul said "we know that all things work together for good to them that Love GOD, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose; this is the Believer. He said, "we know". -Selah. The Apostle Paul knew these things. So in the face of trial He rejoiced, not just that He rejoiced, but He rejoiced exceedingly with Great Joy, because He knew that when darkness arises, then Glory is on Its way. - Think about it

Now knowing these things dearly Beloved, be encouraged, lifted and strengthened. Just Pray about everything and give GOD thanks for them (the things you've talked to HIM about). Thank HIM for providing them. The LORD JESUS tells us something that spices up this Revelation;

'Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.' - Mark 11 vs 24 {KJV}

It's self explanatory right? Yea. So do that about everything. It works.

Now do this and make it a habit: Pray to GOD about the smallest things in your life. I mean, the smallest things, the smallest cares, and even day to day runnings which tends to be considered a light thing or something left to one's own will and decision; but start talking to GOD about them from today, and notice the uniqueness of happenings, directions and turnouts you will find take place in your life. For example, you are thinking of going visiting someone or travelling somewhere, and this is a journey you're about embarking on; some other person might consider it a light thing, as a decision left to His/Her own will, but remember the Word "Pray about everything". Now start praying about the minutest of things in your life. Yes begin to do so, begin to live that way, I invite you by the Word of GOD into this realm of fellowship with the HOLY SPIRIT. By living as such, you learn how to sense GOD'S Hand in operation in big matters because you have mastered HIM in smaller things. - Selah

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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