> The dog lives like a dog because of the life of a dog that is in it
> The goat lives like a goat because of the life of a goat that is in it
> The lion lives like a lion because of the life of a lion that is in it
> Humans live like humans because of the human life that is in them

Likewise, the man in Christ lives like the man in Christ because of the life of Christ that is in him; and that life is 'Eternal Life'.

Nevertheless, though the life of Christ is in the Believer, yet the Believer does not automatically find himself living out righteously, because of the limitation of his mortal body which he possesses now. Though we are saved, but for now we are still living in this mortal body which is corrupt by nature. That human nature resident in this mortal body we are living in is a limitation to us, hence we are admonished in the Word to renew our minds;

'And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.' - Romans 12 vs 2 {KJV}

A time will come when living out the life of Christ will  be automatic for every Believer; that's when we have put on our immortal bodies which the Lord will give us;

'He will change our weak mortal bodies and make them like his own glorious body, using that power by which he is able to bring all things under his rule.' - Philippians 3 vs 21 {GNB}

Since for now we are living in this mortal body which is weak by nature, we have need to renew our minds with the word of God; because the mind of man itself does not change automatically after Salvation, it still retains it's corruptness and information even after Salvation. Hence, the Believer needs to replace the old files of the mind (the old information stored up in the mind which controlled how the man lived) with new files (the revelation of the Truth, the revelation of Jesus Christ, the revelation of your realities in Christ). That file update in the mind is needed to be done, because a man's life is controlled by the things that are in his mind. If you think of yourself as a good person, you will find yourself doing good; if you think of yourself as a righteous person, you will find yourself doing righteous things and hating evil. You see... A man's life is a product of his perception. - Think on these words

So, as you renew your mind with the word of God, you are educating your body on the new way things are done. Before Salvation, things were done according to the flesh, according to the human nature, according to your senses and natural dictates; but now that you are born again, your realities have changed, hence there's a new way things are done. When you renew your mind with the knowledge of the Gospel, you are educating your body on the new way of things. Know this, when we put on our glorious bodies which the Lord will give to us, we will not have any need to renew our minds, because that body is educated, that body knows the ways of the Lord, the mind of that body is pure. Hence, living the Kingdom life will be automatic and natural with us. Oo hallelujah!!! But for this mortal body which we are presently living in, it is natural, sensual and carnal. Hence, we have need to educate it on the ways of the Lord, and that is done by feeding our minds with knowledge - the knowledge of Christ, the knowledge of our realities in Christ (which is, the knowledge of who we are in Christ). Hallelujah!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel

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