‘Jesus answered and said unto them, This is
the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.’
– John 6 vs 29
Hello Beloved in the LORD Jesus, this is just another word
from the Heart of the LORD, for the same purpose of installing peace in the
hearts of HIS children, and expelling fear from their hearts concerning HIM.
Read and be lifted!
Beloved, before we look into our opening scripture, I’d like
to point something useful and vital to this teaching to you. In the dispensation
of the Old Testament, Jesus described the commandments (The Law) as grievous
and burdensome to bear;
‘For they bind heavy burdens and
grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will
not move them with one of their fingers.’ – Matthew 23 vs 4 {KJV}
The LORD Jesus was addressing the Pharisees in this place,
and HE says they bind heavy burdens on the people; He was speaking of the Law.
He describes the Law as a heavy burden and grievous to be borne. This was the Old
Testament, and just it. The Laws are so heavy and burdensome in that one can
hardly fulfil them perfectly. Now note, for the Lord to so address the Laws as
such, that puts to heart that He wasn’t willing to pass them to His generation,
meaning He got a better plan. - Selah
Now considering our opening scripture, let’s read the verse 28 first so we know what led to
that verse 29;
‘Then said they unto him, What
shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
Jesus answered and said unto
them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.’
– John 6 vs 28 – 29 {KING JAMES VERSION}
They came to Jesus and asked of
Him what more commandments they must keep to be accepted of the Father, because
they had Moses to them as their Prophet, and behold here comes another Prophet,
Jesus. So they taught to themselves, He must have got some other Laws from God
to us just as Moses, and in verse 29
which is our opening scripture, we see that Jesus didn’t say I got no
commandment for you, no! He gave them His commandment as they asked of Him. But
what was it? Was it like those grievous commandments that came through Moses?
Let’s see it from that verse 29;
‘Jesus answered and said unto
them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.’
– John 6 vs 29 {KJV}
Waow! What a commandment! THAT
YOU BELIEVE. He didn’t give them any further works to do, He didn’t give us any
burden to bear, all He asks from us is to BELIEVE! – Selah. Believe in His
works, Believing that He came to justify you forever {Hebrews 10 vs 14}, no matter how hard it seems because of its
simplicity, He says to you, BELIEVE!
– Selah
‘And this is his commandment,
That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one
another, as he gave us commandment.’ – 1 John 3 vs 23 {KJV}
The Apostle John by the Holy
Ghost speaks on this and confirms the precious words of the LORD Jesus. The
LORD’S commandments to us His children are not grievous, it’s simply to believe
on His finished works for you, and to love others because He has greatly loved
you in that He chose never to count any of your sins on you because He lives
forever to make intercession for them {Hebrews
7 vs 25}. – Selah. Beloved, the LORD wants you to know that every day He intercedes
for your daily sins {Hebrews 7 vs 25, 1
John 2 vs 1 - 2}, therefore, cease been afraid of Hell or condemnation in
His sight, He has chose to love you, it’s just Grace, and cannot be explained.
What love that one can’t explain why! – Selah
Before I wrap it up, I want to
quickly point you to something; the verse 22 of the scripture above says that
we receive whatsoever we ask of Him because we keep His commandments. Many may
think that when you try to please God with works of Righteousness, and maintain
Righteous standards (Which is normal for anyone who has understood God’s love
for him), then God honors their requests. But I like to tell you that is not
correct, because the verse 23 immediately tells us what those commandments are,
and they are simply TO BELIEVE and TO
SHOW LOVE. Just Believe!
So from these, we see that the
Life of a Christian is simply a life of GRACE. As you will not receive anything
from God because you are self-righteous or upright, no! But because you believe
in the sacrifice/works of HIS Son, whose works I bring to you tirelessly in
teaching on this Blog. – Selah
Therefore my Beloved Brethren,
know ye this day that His commandments are not grievous, not as the former Laws
whereby you needed to keep them to gain God’s approval, but in this new era,
all you need to be approved of God is Believe! Believe in the Precious Sacrifice
and Works of HIS Dear Son Jesus. Believe
and Live!
God Bless You.
- Pastor Jenning
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